Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dove's Eyes.

A couple of months ago, at the Chicago House of Prayer a group of friends and myself were prayed over. They prayed that we may have eyes like that of a dove. I had no idea what that meant, but it sounded cool!
Today I was listening to a song titled Dove's Eyes by Misty Edwards, the lyrics reminded me of the Chi-HOP prayer. I became interested in what exactly is the significance of Dove's eyes, and should I be praying for that?

The dove itself appears quite frequently in the bible. From Genesis to Revelation these animals convey innocence, the Holy Spirit, and a pure beauty (Openbible.info). Doves in the natural world are noted for being monogamous, faithful to their pair to the end (Allaboutbirds.com).
In Song of Solomon the lover is spoken to saying, " How beautiful you are, my darling, how beautiful you are! Your eyes are like doves." (1:15) Later the bride is fully addressed as dove (2:14). This dove has eyes for her love alone. There is no longer the divided attention, but rather complete devotion. The beloved is seen as precious, innocent, and dripping in beauty's pure power.

The Spirit of the bride is a dove.
Father, make me a dove.

Christian Perspective--Dove's Eyes
Dove's Eyes by Misty Edwards

Monday, May 13, 2013

Succumbing To Pressure.

To adhere to the several requests, and my own desire to have a reason to publish my thoughts, I thrust myself out into the cliche blogging world. Sitting in a Starbucks off of Oak&Rush is where I commence this adventure.
Now that I am typing, I feel the subtle pressure to say something profound and life changing to what may be my 2 readers. I urge you empty all expectations, as I don't even know how this pilot will go. I have never been the one to enjoy writing. To me it seems far too sentimental to release pent up emotion in words, but maybe that's my problem (to be solved in further self-reflection). For now I say welcome, welcome word, welcome self reflection and expression.
The title Audio, Video, Disco is something that struck me my freshman year of high school. Translated from Latin it means "I hear, I see, I learn."

So as I step foot into the world I hear, I see, I learn