Images I saw of Greece before I came appeared to good to be an actuality. Now as I look beyond the cove to the north of Rafina port I realize that pictures could never fully capture the depth of beauty. A picture is limited to megapixels and no amount of visual clarity can contain the warm salt breeze, the dirt gathered in my hair from the hike up the mountain, the soothing crash of water along the rocks.
The original of this article has its roots as I sit above the ledge overlooking a hidden cove, named by yours truly "Pebble Cove." While exploring the beaches of Greece a spontaneous hike ensued. At the top of a hill stood a church, of typical Greek use, meaning a mere ornament on the land rather than signifying a place of worship. Behind the church revealed a trail leading to a shore. The land broke forth exposing the beauty of what separately would seem mundane.
Cliffs broke forth revealing vegetation erupting into an array of brilliantly colored rocks. These rocks were beautiful. Pebbles of every color littered the shore line. Green, indigo, pearl, speckled, coral, stripped. Impulsively I started gathering these stones, gliding my eyes over the variety unveiling before me.

We watched gathering these pebbles for what seemed like hours. Artistry was found in the brilliance of these elements.
A thought came to mind while picking these stones. If God were to create such a thing that littered the edge of water with such elegance, how much more does He created beauty in the child He loves. The Creator of the universe crafted me in His very own image that His true beauty may be displayed. God does what is best, and He created me in the beauty He desired to proclaim His glory.
Just as these rocks beneath my toes shimmer under the sun, I do too when in light of the Son.
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